2021.11.27 Sat 17:00 Younghee Art Theater
After the performance, in front of the stairs of Younghee Art Theater.
I went to the second performance of our percussion.Two years ago, after I went to the inaugural performance at Mui’s invitation, I became a complete fan of our percussion.I love percussion rhythm. Especially Latin percussion. At that time, the broken heart played by each of the five women still lives vividly in me. Performance review link at that time https://blog.naver.com/minamusic/221436868715
Music rules memories: Naver blog without music, I’m nothing.blog.naver.com
Music rules memories: Naver blog without music, I’m nothing.blog.naver.com
the state of a stage after a performance
the state of a stage after a performance
Program Escape Speed – Dave Hall youtu.be/a8TyZy2QPmo
2+1 – Ivan Trevino https://youtu.be/8SHXPehHhMk
Wood Sculpture by Rüdiger Pawassar youtu.be/aVL0muJxA_E
Catching Shadows – Ivan Trevino https://youtu.be/D9jZmKNu8lAParty Color – Neil Slow https://youtu.be/RyWNhV7e-swSongs by a young accordionist – Daniel Wirtzhtps://youtu.be/hnARd8WutnILOSA – Emmanuelle Sejournet https://youtu.be/wiAi2GkPGg8Marine Bath Spiritual – Miki Minori https://youtu.be/KIX-jomJP8MMarine Bath Spiritual – Miki Minori https://youtu.be/KIX-jomJP8M